Kaweah River Attractions

Kaweah River Attractions

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Nestled in the Sierra Mountains along the Kaweah River, The Gateway offers lodging for a variety of outdoor adventures by this magnificent body of water.  The word “kaweah” is a Yokuts Indian word meaning crow (or raven) cry and is regarded as the spirit of the winged intelligence and the call of the wily, mischievous, and opportunistic spirit of Nature. And you’ll find many places to enjoy the spirit of nature in our picturesque surroundings.

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Kaweah Whitewater Rafting

Three Rivers merchants, business and phone listings

Road Conditions Information from our friends at the Kaweah Commonwealth

Three Rivers Jazz Affair (every April)

Good Times Adventures



Contact us

45978 Sierra Drive
Three Rivers, California 93271


8:00am - 11am Breakfast

8:00am - noon Sunday Brunch

11am - 4pm Lunch

4pm - 9pm Dinner

Bar stays open until around 12am

CALL NOW: (559) 561-4133